The curriculum is divided into seven areas: keyboarding,word processing, graphics, multimedia presentations, database and spreadsheets, internet use, and general computer information. The keyboarding program teaches basic keyboarding skills using drills, reviews, and games. Students are expected to show reasonable progress each quarter. Microsoft Word is used to familiarize students with writing text, editing text, commands, cutting and pasting, and using the mouse to access the menu, toolbars, and task bar information. All work is edited and saved. Graphics are also used in multimedia presentations. Spreadsheet instruction provides and introduction to surveying and collecting data, entering and printing it in a chart form. Microsoft Excel is used for these projects. General computer information instruction involves instruction in computer history, specific vocabulary, and hardware. It also addresses the need to properly cite sources of information in projects and reports. Students also learn how to use multimedia presentations by creating presentations of a subject taught in the regular classroom. PowerPoint is used for this project. Internet instruction and use offers opportunities to learn how the Internet works, URL addresses, scavenger hunts, improved research and note-taking skills, and Internet safety.